Digital marketing
Types of Digital marketing means promotion, marketing of a product or service digitally, it uses various platforms such as Google, Instagram, Facebook ads, and other searching media platforms for advertising or marketing.
Digital marketing is very cost, friendly and fast. It can make our business global very quickly and can help us and increase in sales and performance.
In the contemporary landscape, lacking a digital presence effectively isolates us from a significant portion of our intended audience. Consequently, the importance of digital marketing cannot be overstated.
Various types of digital marketing:
There are various types of digital marketing strategies and various advantages of online advertisement that are available that we can use to boost our business strategies depend on what our target is. Some of these strategies that can help us to boost our business using digital marketing are:

Content marketing
Content marketing means making some valuable content like articles, blogs, videos, informational photos, et cetera. This helps us to connect with our audience and also allows us to give answer to their questions. It also helps us to explain our product better to them
Content marketing increases trust among our target audience.
Content marketing is a long-term process. It does not take place overnight, but it gives us results for long duration.
If we have writing and creative skills, then we can easily make good content for our audience, and we can capture their video memory for a much longer time.
Content marketing is free of cost and it allows us to make different kind of content from educating our audiences to entertaining them.
But in content marketing, it takes a long time to rank on Google and we should be consistent for a long time if you want to see the results
Affiliate marketing
Influencer marketing and Digital marketing is a very important type. It gives profit to both the parties, the company and the influencer.
Influencer gets money from the company and affiliate links, and the company is benefited from the sales that it has generated.
Marketing means we purchase product from some other person whom we trust, and it has shown a great potential in the market in recent years.
Marketing is the best practice for influencers because people have trusted them due to their content and when people trust them, they are more likely to buy from their links and get their opinion.
When the rise in social media platforms and internet marketing will surely boost in the future
Social media marketing
Social media marketing represents a significant branch of digital marketing that has garnered considerable attention in recent times. This form of marketing originated with the rise of numerous social media platforms, including Facebook and Instagram, among others.
When the album, social media marketing, we can make content and can pass the content to the users so that they can know more about our product and can engage with us more with the help of social media platform. We can choose which type of audience we want to entertain and want to engage with with our brand.
Social media proves to be a very high conversion rate, marketing practice a single content and generate multiple leads because of the various KPI that are available such as like and comments.
But with the changing algorithm, it becomes difficult to keep up with the trend, so we should be keeping an eye all the time whenever we are focused on social media marketing. Also, social media marketing requires money and creative mind to plan good strategy and to be consistent over a long period of time.
Email marketing
Another type of digital marketing is email marketing . An email marketing, we send custom-made emails that are attractive that have good fonts, attractive colours images and that tells our customers and target audience about our brand products offers discount email marketing also helps us to connect with the customer and solve their problems in a very quick way.
one benefit of email marketing is that it does not depend on NL algorithm. We just have to send the emails to our customers and that’s it and if we build more and more list and we will send more and more emails then surely it will boost our sales.
One disadvantage of email marketing could be that people do not open mails all the time, and it is also very difficult to subscribe people to our list.
There are various tools available in time for email marketing, such as mailchimp, convert kit.
Mobile marketing
This is the type of digital marketing that focuses on engaging customers on their mobile devices. It uses various technique through which target audience can be engaged such as Messages, social media, presence, websites, applications, etc.
Digital marketers can make different strategies can figure out what is the type of the target audience and can generate the strategy according to the need and goals
In 2024, average mobile Time spent in one day in United States of America is around 4 hours and 40 minutes.
That is why mobile marketing is the quick way to grow our business. It also encourages our e-commerce.
Chatbot marketing

In today’s world, when we want to know that different types of digital marketing, we cannot miss chatbot marketing
With the emergence of AI, chatbot have to be very useful. We should be careful while choosing our business.
Some benefits of using chatbot marketing are
- Chat bots are not humans. They are software, so they can be available 24 x 7 whenever our customer need our services.
Do not cost as much as the staff, so it can be very cost-effective options
Software that is why they are very fast and can solve multiple problems at a time. Also, they can handle multiple customers at a time. That is why we can save our money by using them.
Disadvantages of using chatbot are
Chats are not human, and if the customer is emotional, then they cannot show any sympathy towards it. They sometimes called for description and can hamper the brand image.
Chatbot makes us depend on the developer, and if the software or internet is down, then we could be losing our customers faith
Ppc advertising
PPC advertising represents a distinct form of digital marketing where a predetermined fee is incurred each time an individual clicks on our advertisement.This allows us to pay money whenever someone clicks on our ad instead of paying diamond advance.
Google is the most common platform for PPC marketing because it is the most popular search engine globally available.
PPC adss also contains “sponsored” , so that user can know that these ads are sponsored
PPC adds are generally kept on the top of search engine result page so that user can interact with them quickly.
We can customise who can see our ads and our target audience very accurately and precisely so that no money is wasted
We can also track the performance of our marketing campaign
Online reputation management

Online reputation management is booming career opportunity and is a part of type of digital marketing that includes increasing the brand image and also saving the brand image in time of crisis
Sometimes there are platforms that shows the reviews and ratings of our website and if somehow they have shown negative reviews of our website and if that website appears to be on the first page of SERP, then it can hamper our brand image very negatively, so to overcome from this online, online reputation, management is the key
Search engine optimisation
This is the most important type of digital marketing that is available in today’s world. It comprises of making our website, content, friendly and easy to understand for Google so that it can rank higher and higher on Google.
For SEO to be successful we should focus on the various types of search engine optimisation techniques that are available.
- On page, search engine optimisation: in this technique of digital marketing, we optimise the content of our website using the correct keyword that matches our intent
- Off page SEO: in this technique of search engine optimisation, we make links on other websites and platform so that Google can see our website or our webpage as a legal NGT and can rank us higher on the SERP
KPI in digital marketing
These are the ways by which we can measure the effectiveness of our digital marketing campaign. Some of the most common KPI are.
- CTR: CTR is also known as click through rate is basically used to measure the effectiveness of our digital marketing campaign. It is simply the percentage of people who have clicked on our head among the people who have seen our ad.
- Social media traffic: this technique of measurement tells us how many people have interacted our social media profile. User can take various actions on social media platforms, such as visiting our profile, viewing our content, sharing our content.
- Website traffic: this KPI is used to track how many people have visited our website from a given period of time. This helps us to make our marketing strategy better and to check the performance of the previous strategies that we have already made.

Take away:
In this article, we read about digital marketing and some of the most common types of digital marketing that are practised globally.
We read about content marketing, affiliate marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, mobile marketing, chatbot marketing. We also learned about search engine optimisation and various KPI in Digital marketing.
Learn more about lead generation.