In simple language, a lead generation in digital marketing can be termed as an interest in our product or services, and then turning that interest into a sellable product.
Lead generation is very important in any type of digital marketing technique and is very efficient because it focuses on the most important part of business that is sales generation.
The starting of lead generation can be stated with the creating of content for our product or services and spreading its awareness.
Lead generation awareness can be done by creating blogs, reels ,videos and spreading them across the internet on social media and is an advantage of digital marketing.

This creates a brand image in the mind of our consumers, and when they show their interest, they become our leads.
There are several different types of leads, but here we will be studying about the four main types of leads .that are
- Marketing qualified leads: these leads are the leads that we get from people that have shown interest in our form or that have appeared in our comment section, or have attended our webinar on any sessions.
- Sales qualified leads: as the name is telling us “sales qualified leads” are the leads that are generated and are maintained by sales team.
These are the leads of the people that have a much more intent of purchasing the product
- Product qualified leads: Generally, qualified leads refer to those individuals who have previously utilized the product.. The product can be free or can be for a specific time and now they would be wanting the product for a fee or subscription.
- Service qualified leads: as the name suggest these are the leads that shows interest in the service industries or the potential customers that are interested in the service that we provide
How lead generation works
The main and most important procedure for lead generation is simple. It follows as.
- The audience will see our ad
- Then they will fill our form on the landing page
- Get the information about the audience that I have shown interest
- Then we can convert leads into conversion
But it is not as simple as it looks like these are the most common ways to generate leads:
- Search engine marketing: in this lead generation method, we often pay some money to the search engines so that our ad can be shown on the top of search engine result pages.
This method can improve the website traffic at a very fast pace.
- Search engine optimisation: SEO is a little bit of time consuming method, but it guarantees the organic traffic reach on our website.
In this method, we make our website optimise for the search engines to be understood and easy for the customers to relate
- Social media: in the past year, social media has grown to a next level. Use meta ads to display our ads and run landing pages on them, and this helps us to generate leads from a variety of audiences.
- Off-line events: this method of lead generation is done by using off-line events such as conferences or meetings with a lot of people.
From this, we can get the information of the persons on a form and then we can contact them later on.
Some of the most common strategies to attract people so that they can act as lead generations are:
- Content: this is a very important method of lead generation. In this method. We can provide some resources such as an e-book or some content or video for which the user can give us their data, but it is very important that we should provide this only to the target audience.
- Webinars: this can be termed as an online concert. Here the people participate and then want to know about the product or participation. They get some free knowledge and they gave us their details and that is how it helps us in generation of leads.
- Landing pages: the debate between which is the best method for generating a lead is won by landing pages.
We can use a landing page on social media that can be automatically filled by using the social media, artificial intelligence using the consumers data and we can target them very easily.
Cool fact:
Have you ever heard about a lead magnet?
A lead magnet can be termed as a product or a content that attracts leads and to use lead magnet, the audience gives us their information.
Lead generation funnel
Lead generation funnel is the most important topic in all the lead generation study. Here we will tell you how you can make a lead generating funnel that will help you in growing your business.
Lead generation funnel contains three parts
- Top level funnel
- Middle level funnel
- Bottom level funnel
- Top level funnel: in the top level, we try to gather as much audience as we can. This is the cheapest level in the funnel.
We can gather audience here by using social media websites, landing pages or off-line or online events.
- Middle level funnel: middle target, only the person who have responded to our earlier ad or have filled a landing form. We will try to nurture the person that have come to this part, and we will show them new ads that will increase their interest in our product or services.
Here we can give our audience, some free materials such as e-books, PDF or some learning material or our product to use for a limited period of time
- Bottom level funnel: this is the most expensive part of lead generation. Here we will show the ads to the persons who have filtered out through the middle level funnel.
This is the level at which the sales is generated, so this is very very important for any digital marketer or any businessman.
If the audience passes this bottom level funnel, then he or she will become our customer
In this level, we can show our audience. The most important question that people have asked about us reviews that people has given us. We can even compare our product to the other product.
In this stage, generation of trust is very important because this will prove that our lead generation funnel is working successfully
Benefits of lead generation
Several reasons that will prove that lead generation is very important. Are.:
- It gives the money for the business to grow: lead generation gives us the potential that can become our customer, and this gives us the opportunity to convert them into our customer, and thus with a continuous flow of leads, we can assure a river of our customers

- Cost effectiveness: when compared to off-line methods, online lead generation is far more cost-effective and can prove beneficial for business
- Customer insights: in the process of lead generation through online method, customer gives us their details when they fill out our form and thus we can use this data to format our next strategy. According to the audience need and thus the marketing can be more beneficial.
- Improved sales: when the quality leader generated sales team can work with a higher efficiency to convert them and thus increasing the customer and increasing the revenue of the business

- Customer relationship: with the database of customers, we can track them and follow them for a long term so that they can become a loyal customer, and this helps us to increase our brand image

- Increase in companies, digital presence: studies have shown that over 60% of the population is now on internet and generating lead. Online ways is proved to be the best method.
To generate leads, we will be posting more and more content on the social media and that is 11 to our customers and this will increase our companies digital presence in the online world
Take away:
In this blog, we have learnt about the lead generation. We can take help of email marketing in Lead generation and to improve customer relationship and opens new jobs and career opportunity.
How does a lead generation method works? What are the various stages that are included in the lead generation funnel, and what are the benefits and importance of lead generation?
I hope this article has proven useful to you .
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